
Restaurant Equipment Insurance

Ever wonder how to protect your business assets while maintaining a smooth operation in the event of unforeseen losses? As a restaurant owner, one crucial type of coverage you need is restaurant equipment insurance. 

What is Restaurant Equipment Insurance?

Restaurant equipment insurance, also known as commercial contents insurance, is a type of commercial property insurance that specifically covers your fixed and moveable business equipment, fixtures, and inventory.


It protects against financial losses if any of these assets are damaged, destroyed, or stolen due to covered events like fire, water damage, storms, vandalism, and more.

Your restaurant equipment likely represents a major investment and includes things like:

  • Ovens, stoves, grills, fryers, and other kitchen appliances.
  • Furniture like tables, chairs, booths.
  • Small wares like plates, glasses, utensils.
  • Electronics like cash registers, computers, sound systems.

Without restaurant equipment insurance, you’d be personally responsible for repair or replacement costs following a covered loss. This could put your business in serious financial jeopardy or even force you to close down permanently. Insurance transfers that risk to the insurer.


Key Coverage Components

Let’s dive deeper into some of the key components restaurant equipment insurance provides:

Property Coverage – This reimburses for direct physical loss or damage to covered property from covered causes of loss up to the limits you select. Things like fire, wind, hail, and vandalism would all be covered here.

Business Interruption Coverage – If a covered loss causes your restaurant to temporarily shut down, this reimburses ongoing business expenses like payroll, rent/mortgage, and utility costs until operations can resume. It helps keep cash flowing during recovery.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage – Mechanical breakdown of equipment essential to restaurant operations, like refrigeration units, can be devastating. This optional coverage pays to repair or replace equipment following internal explosions or electrical/mechanical issues.

Off-Premises Coverage – Assets may sometimes need to be transported, like when moving to a new location. This extends coverage to losses that occur off your business premises.

Ordinance or Law Coverage – Rebuilding costs are often higher to comply with current building codes and regulations. This helps cover any extra expenses required after a total loss.

Valuable Papers Coverage – Documents like menus, recipes, and business records have monetary value and taking to recreate. This reimburses for the costs associated with recreating or restoring such items.

Deductible – The amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket on any covered claim before insurance kicks in. Lower deductibles result in higher premium costs.

Additional Value-Added Coverages

Beyond the core property protection components, insurers may offer various optional enhancements to a restaurant equipment policy. Some examples include:

Spoilage Coverage – Reimburses for food losses due to mechanical breakdown of refrigeration, power outage, or temperature change in freezers/coolers.

Sign Coverage – Covers signs, awnings, and lighting that protect your business from losses.

Debris Removal Coverage – Pays debris removal costs from a covered loss to comply with local ordinances.

Extended Replacement Cost – Guarantees funds to replace property at current replacement costs in the event of total loss instead of depreciated value.

Equipment Rental Reimbursement – Helps cover costs of renting replacement equipment when repairs take time following loss or damage.

Fraud Protection – Covers related expenses if criminals hack or gain unauthorized access to systems like credit card processors.

Carefully reviewing all available options with your agent allows customizing a policy to precisely fit your business needs.

Choosing the Right Coverage Levels

Proper coverage amounts are crucial for restaurant equipment insurance to safeguard your business assets and operations effectively. Here are some best practices for determining limits:

Itemize Equipment – Create a detailed inventory of all fixed and portable items, including purchase receipts/records of current values.

Assess Replacement Costs – Account for today’s costs to repair or replace each item rather than depreciated values. Equipment is always depreciating.

Insure for Peak Values – Consider seasonal fluctuations and stock up for busy periods to ensure full coverage year-round.

Add Business Interruption Coverage – Work with your agent or CPA to estimate expenses needed to stay afloat until reopening like payroll costs.

Review Annually – Economic inflation and business growth affect replacement values over time. Adjust limits accordingly.

Having adequate insurance will prevent being underinsured following major losses that could bankrupt your operation. Your agent can help suggest proper coverage amounts.

Additional Considerations for Restaurant Owners

When vetting restaurant equipment policies, keep these additional factors in mind:

Carrier Reputation – Look for strong financial ratings indicating the ability to pay claims. Ask about carrier experience serving the food service industry.

Policy Exclusions – Carefully examine what types of risks or causes of losses may not be reimbursed. Floods, earthquake, for example, require separate policies.

Premium Costs – Balancing adequate protection with affordability requires comparing quotes. Lower deductibles increase rates.

Claims Process – Understand the timeframe for filing claims, documentation needed, and typical processing periods to get reimbursed.

Loss Prevention Tips – Follow insurer recommendations on sprinklers, alarms, and security protocols to help reduce the chances of losses occurring.

Policy Terms and Renewals – Note coverage periods and whether month-to-month or annually renewed. Changes in premiums over time need consideration.

Equipped with knowledge of policy specifics and shopping around for the best overall value and service, you can choose a plan that fits your unique needs. Work closely with your insurance agent throughout the process.


After learning the ins and outs of restaurant equipment coverage, owners often have additional queries. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

1. Is Restaurant Equipment Insurance Required?

While not mandated by law, having it is strongly recommended. Without coverage following accidental losses or disasters, you’d be personally liable to replace thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of damaged assets out-of-pocket.

2. What is Not Covered Under a Standard Restaurant Equipment Policy?

Exclusions typically include food spoilage from improper food handling or storage issues, losses from normal wear and tear, and damages from war, terrorism, or nuclear events. Floods and earthquakes also require separate endorsements due to high risks. Always study the policy limitations.

3. How Do I Insure Leased or Rented Equipment?

The property owner is responsible for ensuring owned items, but as the leaseholder, you’ll still need coverage for liability if a rented piece is damaged or destroyed on your premises. Discuss such scenarios with your agent to ensure proper protection.

4. How Soon Can I File a Claim after a Covered Loss Occurs?

Policies will specify a timeframe, like 30-120 days, to submit notice of losses in writing to your insurer. However, contacting them as soon as possible is best practice so an adjuster can promptly assess damages and begin reimbursement processing.

5. Will My Rates Go Up Significantly if I File Claims?

Filing legitimate claims is the purpose of having insurance, but repeated losses or larger payouts could cause non-renewals or premium hikes at renewal.

Minor reimbursements typically don’t affect rates, while criminal or suspicious circumstances always will. Open communication resolves many issues.


Safeguarding the substantial financial investment of your restaurant equipment from unexpected disasters or accidents requires prudent risk management solutions. Restaurant equipment insurance effectively transfers those risks away from your operations’ bottom line and allows focusing on the business.

By educating yourself on policy components, choosing appropriate coverage amounts matched to your property values, and vetting options from reputable insurers, you protect both your business interests and personal assets.

Following loss prevention recommendations also aids in lowering long-term costs. Overall, restaurant equipment coverage provides indispensable peace of mind for operators

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